CACS Reading Circle 2025
Join Dr Susan Muto and the Carmelite Friars in Oxford for their online Carmelite Reading Circle on Twelve Little Ways to Transform Your Heart, a book authored by Susan and inspired by the wisdom of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Over twelve months, starting in January 2025, this online reading circle will guide you through one “little way” each month, offering you an opportunity to grow closer to God, cultivate a grateful and trusting heart, and embrace simplicity and love in your daily life.
You can join at any time.

Reading Schedule
The reading circle meets virtually on the last Tuesday of each month. (2:00 to 3:30 pm – USA; 7:00 to 8:30 pm UK.)
The schedule for the remainder of the year is as follows:
February 25
The Little Way of Hiddenness
March 25
The Little Way of Trust in Divine Mercy
April 29
The Little Way of Sacramental Life
May 27
The Little Way of Abandonment to Divine Providence
June 24
The Little Way of Experiencing Friendship with God and Others
July 29
The Little Way of Renunciation
August 26
The Little Way of Unceasing, World-Redeeming Prayer
September 30
The Little Way of Simplicity
October 28
The Little Way of Freedom
November 25
The Little Way of Purgation, Illumination, and Union
December 30
Living In, With, and Through the Lord in a Mystical Martyrdom of Love.